This week has definitely been a rollercoaster week full of emotions. Monday one of my really good friends Sara had her baby. We were able to go visit them at the hospital and their new little boy Jonas is adorable. It's amazing to see a new little life and contemplate how they just came from Heavenly Father. (I took this pic from Sara's blog of little Jonas, I hope that's ok Sara!)
On Wednesday we had family start arriving for my grandma's viewing. It was hard to see grandma that night as she didn't look too much like herself but my sister Jeralee made an interesting point. She told me she thought of it as grandma's shell....it's not really her as her spirit has left her body. I had never thought of it in that way before. Thursday morning more family came and 5 of us 6 kids were able to be here. It was nice to visit with my grandma's sisters and some cousins and family that I don't see often. The service was beautiful and I learned some wonderful things about my grandma that I didn't know. I didn't even think to take my camera so hopefully I will be able to get some pictures from one of my sisters to post.
Looking back on the week there have been things to make me smile and laugh as well as cry and mourn. I held a newborn baby which put a smile on my face. I cried and mourned as I said goodbye to my grandma. As for laughter - there was much as our family sat around and enjoyed each other's company. And to complete that laughter - Chandler & Maeli doing the oompa loompa dance to "Agustus Gloop" (from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory)
Bwahhaha loved the oompa loompa dance! What on earth is my daughter wearing? It was great to see you this week Tiff.
I'm sorry about your grandmother's passing. It's one of the hardest things to face. But as you said in your tribute to her, she had great faith. Follow in her footsteps and your grief will soon fade.
I hope you are coping well with your grandma's passing. I loved what you said about her spirit moving on and only her shell being left. I completely remember feeling that way after my great-grandma passed; that she just didn't seem like HER when I saw her and it still has stuck with me to this day. You really spoke to my emotions with what you wrote, so thank you. :o)
great post. It was good to see you this past week Tiff.
That video is funny. I tried learning that dance myself. I think on the extras they teach you how to do it. Before I was married by roomate and I (for kicks) tried to learn it. Pretty funny stuff.
Wow, Chandler has some awesome moves! You can tell how much he adores Maeli. Sara's baby is adorable... congrats to her!
I loved the video of them dancing, so precious. :)
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