You can NEVER have too many bath pictures.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Top Teeth
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Meeting Santa
Last week, we went to the mall to see Santa. We got there at about 8:30 and he had left at 8:00. Chandler hung his head low and said, "I'm just SO sad. I wanted to see Santa." He was pretty sad, so imagine how happy he was when he got to see Santa today at our church Christmas breakfast.
When we told him this morning that we were going to see Santa at the church and eat breakfast he said, "You mean like cookies and milk? Wow, I really like Santa." We didn't eat cookies and milk but Chan was a very good boy and ate all of his breakfast so he could see Santa.

When we told him this morning that we were going to see Santa at the church and eat breakfast he said, "You mean like cookies and milk? Wow, I really like Santa." We didn't eat cookies and milk but Chan was a very good boy and ate all of his breakfast so he could see Santa.
Waiting in line

He asked for more Thomas tracks and got a candy cane

Rowan in the car waiting to go

When we got home, I headed for bed to recoup as I worked last night. Marsh woke me up a few hours later with hot chocolate and said that they had been outside making a snowman. He turned out pretty cute!
Although I hate driving in the snow, I love how it feels watching it come down. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Playing with Friends
The boys spent the afternoon playing with their friends Carson & Jonas today. They had so much fun and I think it distracted them from the fact that we haven't been outside in forever because it's been so cold.

Yummy santa cupcakes. No I didn't make them, but I think Walmart did a pretty good job. :) I keep complaining to Marsh that none of my pants fit, and I don't think these cupcakes help. I ate 2, or 3...ok so maybe 4.

Boys eating cupcakes

Watching a Santa show! Gotta love our "furniture" It's actually a couple of mattresses Avry gave us. Rowan will use them when we put the boys in bunks probably next summer. Until then, we have no furniture in the basement so we use the mattresses. Chandler also has some crazy rash going on around his mouth. Rowan used to have it but it's getting better. I think some of that is frosting but with the weather changing, he's had such dry skin around his mouth.

Monday, November 30, 2009
Lack of Motivation
I have things I could post about, but I'm just feeling a lack of motivation. I've been so slammed with My Babes and Kids blog, sometimes double booking my days that I've been neglecting this blog. I have pictures to post as well, I'm hoping to get some up soon.
You know when you feel like you are pushed and pulled in so many directions that you just want to sit and cry? It seems I've done that a lot lately. I can cry on the drop of a hat, whether I'm happy, sad, or yes - watching the biggest loser. Thank goodness I have such awesome family and a wonderful hubby to pull me out of a funk when I get in one. I'm not sure where to dig for motivation though. I don't get dressed unless I absolutely have to. If I do a load of laundry or two, it's a big accomplishment and I feel like my patience is thin a lot of days. I guess I just need to go to bed and hope that tomorrow is better.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Girl's Night - New Moon
My sister Avry and I headed out for a girl's night last night. It was much needed and fun to spend time with my sister. We had tickets for the "Fang" event at the Gateway mall. Believe it or not, I got tickets back on the 15th of September so it was a long time in waiting.
Before the movie, we shopped around the Gateway and went to dinner at a delicious Mexican restaurant which I can't even remember the name of. We headed to the movie 40 minutes before it was to start and waited in a ridiculous line. I didn't think we would have to as we had reserved seating, but I guess it was for our Edward goody bag. After we got our bags, we headed into the theater to see it decked out in Edward.
I really loved the movie. I thought the action scenes were awesome. It was cool to see the werewolves phase and the vampires fight. Plus Jacob and Edward looked fabulous. I started out team Edward and really liked Jacob a lot by the end of the movie. The acting was better than the first and although it didn't follow the book 100%, I think they did an awesome job. Thanks Avry for a great night with lots of laughs and plenty of girl time!
Before the movie, we shopped around the Gateway and went to dinner at a delicious Mexican restaurant which I can't even remember the name of. We headed to the movie 40 minutes before it was to start and waited in a ridiculous line. I didn't think we would have to as we had reserved seating, but I guess it was for our Edward goody bag. After we got our bags, we headed into the theater to see it decked out in Edward.
I really loved the movie. I thought the action scenes were awesome. It was cool to see the werewolves phase and the vampires fight. Plus Jacob and Edward looked fabulous. I started out team Edward and really liked Jacob a lot by the end of the movie. The acting was better than the first and although it didn't follow the book 100%, I think they did an awesome job. Thanks Avry for a great night with lots of laughs and plenty of girl time!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Chandler's 4th Birthday
For Chan's Birthday we headed down to Chuck E. Cheese. Since his Birthday was on Sunday the 1st, we went on Saturday which was also Halloween. He is constantly talking about Chuck E. Cheese so he was thrilled. I found a crazy awesome coupon and we got 100 tokens for $10. Everything is only 1 token so Chan had a hay day. His personal favorite was Ski-ball. Can't say I don't blame him, it is pretty fun.

On Sunday, the Birch's came over for dinner, cake and ice cream. Chandler was so happy because he kept asking if Carson was coming for his birthday. Marshall made the cake, which is his mom's recipe, so good. Funny story - Marshall had the cake cooling on top of the stove. Chandler decided that since it was his, he would skim across the top. He took a huge chunk out of it. So Marsh turned the cake upside down, frosted it, and it worked great. I know it doesn't look pretty, but it was delicious. I just don't know how other moms make these incredible cakes. It's just not up my alley. I tried a dragon cake last year. It turned out ok but was a ridiculous amount of work.

A little bit about Chandler at age 4:
Height - 39 inches (Right around there)
Weight - 36 lbs
Wearing - size 4T shirts, and 4 or 5T pants. (Depends on the brand.)
Loves - Playing the Wii, red ball (it's what he calls game on the ipod touch), his Leapfrog Tag System, playing outside, swimming, preschool, Tom & Jerry, Little Einsteins, going to primary, playing with friends, riding his trike, wrestling.
Eats - 2-3 corn dogs in 1 sitting, lots of chocolate milk, chicken nuggets, chinese food (aka Kung Fu Panda Food), and ANYTHING that he can dip in ketchup. We seriously go through a huge bottle every few weeks.
Chandler is such a good boy. He has his moments of melt down, but is very obedient and cute. He is constantly saying funny things and is great at giving hugs and kisses. We are really blessed to have this handsome little boy.

On Sunday, the Birch's came over for dinner, cake and ice cream. Chandler was so happy because he kept asking if Carson was coming for his birthday. Marshall made the cake, which is his mom's recipe, so good. Funny story - Marshall had the cake cooling on top of the stove. Chandler decided that since it was his, he would skim across the top. He took a huge chunk out of it. So Marsh turned the cake upside down, frosted it, and it worked great. I know it doesn't look pretty, but it was delicious. I just don't know how other moms make these incredible cakes. It's just not up my alley. I tried a dragon cake last year. It turned out ok but was a ridiculous amount of work.

A little bit about Chandler at age 4:
Height - 39 inches (Right around there)
Weight - 36 lbs
Wearing - size 4T shirts, and 4 or 5T pants. (Depends on the brand.)
Loves - Playing the Wii, red ball (it's what he calls game on the ipod touch), his Leapfrog Tag System, playing outside, swimming, preschool, Tom & Jerry, Little Einsteins, going to primary, playing with friends, riding his trike, wrestling.
Eats - 2-3 corn dogs in 1 sitting, lots of chocolate milk, chicken nuggets, chinese food (aka Kung Fu Panda Food), and ANYTHING that he can dip in ketchup. We seriously go through a huge bottle every few weeks.
Chandler is such a good boy. He has his moments of melt down, but is very obedient and cute. He is constantly saying funny things and is great at giving hugs and kisses. We are really blessed to have this handsome little boy.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Scary Witch
A week before Halloween, my parents were down here. My dad wanted to get Chan a Halloween costume so we ventured to Walmart where there was NO selection. Chandler finally found a witch hat and decided that he wanted to be a witch. (Yes, I know witches are technically girls so we will call him a warlock.) We found him a nose and all. So on Halloween, we got him all dressed up and took some pictures. It was funny, but short lived.

He decided he didn't want to be a witch after all. He ended up wearing his dragon costume from the previous two years to go trick or treating in, and Rowan wore the lion costume that he wore last year. I didn't get pictures of the boys in their costumes before trick or treating, oh well. This was the first year that we've actually gone trick or treating. Rowan lasted all of 5 or 6 houses, but Chandler was all about it. He got into a rhythm and loved it. Because we live amongst townhomes, we got hit hard and ran out of candy quickly.

He decided he didn't want to be a witch after all. He ended up wearing his dragon costume from the previous two years to go trick or treating in, and Rowan wore the lion costume that he wore last year. I didn't get pictures of the boys in their costumes before trick or treating, oh well. This was the first year that we've actually gone trick or treating. Rowan lasted all of 5 or 6 houses, but Chandler was all about it. He got into a rhythm and loved it. Because we live amongst townhomes, we got hit hard and ran out of candy quickly.
Gift Card Giveaway at the Shopping Mama and F-Secure
My friend Kate at the shopping mama has an awesome giveaway for Amazon gift cards. She has paired up with F-Secure Internet Safety. F-Secure seems like really awesome security system that gives you piece of mind. So head over to The Shopping Mama and enter this awesome contest!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Playing Together
I remember well over 2 years ago finding out that Rowan was a boy. One of my first reactions was that I would be glad that Chandler would have a brother close in age to play with. Most of the time when Chan and Row are "playing" together, it's more of Chandler sitting on or hitting Rowan while Row screams. Tonight the boys have been wrestling, laughing and playing together. Rowan has realized that it's ok to wrestle with Chandler and is starting to stand up for himself. I know it's still going to be a process, but it's fun to see them actually playing together! When they were all wrestled out, Rowan sat down next to Chan to watch a movie and I snapped this picture.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Pre Halloween/Birthday Party
On Saturday we had a party. It was the first time we've had a get together at our house, and I must say it turned out rather well. It was Halloween themed, and Jason's 69th birthday. Oh wait, maybe it was his 70th.... :) (Just have to give you a hard time Jason)

Anyways, we had tons of good food, great company and a grand old time.
The treat table - treat bags for the kids, carmeled apples, sugar cookies

I think this pumpkin was a little too big for Rowan.

Jason's Happy Birthday sparkler cake. (I think Avry said it was made with 12 milky ways...mmmm)

Checking out a prize from his treat bag

My dad took Chandler to get a Halloween costume that night and it was pretty funny what he picked out. You'll have to wait to see that.
And I got a new.......DEEP FREEZE! (Thanks to my mom and dad ) I get so frustrated when there's a great deal on meat or some other frozen item and I can't stock up because we have no room to store it. Then we end up paying more for the meat because it's not on sale. This is something I wish I would have had a year ago. Marsh lost his job a few weeks ago and we have been living off what food storage we have. I'm sure this will be so nice to have.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Snuggle Worthy
I have a pretty fun lineup this holiday season on my Babes and Kids blog. My boys love it when the UPS or FedEx man comes because about half the time it means it's a new toy for them. Today it was a "toy" for me.

I used pictures from when Marshall and I started dating and ended with pictures from when we were married. The first and last blocks of the quilt are hard to see here, so here's pictures of what they say:

I'm in love with it, they did a really great job! If you do read my review blog, watch for a review and giveaway in the next few weeks.
I tried to get some snuggle time in with Chandler and the new quilt. It's pretty soft! (Notice Woody tried to make his way into the picture)
Check out my new Campus Quilt: (Click on it to make it bigger and see it better.)

I used pictures from when Marshall and I started dating and ended with pictures from when we were married. The first and last blocks of the quilt are hard to see here, so here's pictures of what they say:

I'm in love with it, they did a really great job! If you do read my review blog, watch for a review and giveaway in the next few weeks.
I tried to get some snuggle time in with Chandler and the new quilt. It's pretty soft! (Notice Woody tried to make his way into the picture)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Monopoly & Mr. Alligator
Isn't it funny how you watch your kids for entertainment? The boys are so silly and do so many cute things. Marshall set up Monopoly and was playing it with Chandler. Well, kind of playing it. So here he is playing Monopoly....and singing the Alligator song.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This last week, I worked full time, just shifts that I have picked up. This week, it's overtime. 50 hours in 4 days is a LOT of work, and that doesn't include the 6 hours I've commuted during those days. I come home exhausted and want to sleep all day. I know Marsh is often thanking me for everything I do in our home, but I never realized how much it takes to work full time when you have family at home. Ever since we've been married, he comes home from work and is awesome at helping out and generally I throw the boys on him, because I've had enough for the day. I have a newfound respect these last couple weeks. I loved on the boys for about an hour today before I had to head back for another 12 hour shift. It's hard. I miss my little boys and Marsh too. So this is for you love. Thanks :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Gotta Love Them
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