I've got quite a few posts to crank out, and since it's my day off, I'm going to do some blogging! For the first time in well over 4 years, I feel like this blog has been put on the back burner. My other blog brings us income, which we need right now so it still gets a lot of attention. But when I step back to think about it, this blog is my journal. It's where I record my thoughts, milestones for my boys, what's going on in our lives. So in all reality, I can't put my journal on the back burner either.
2 weeks ago, I had the opportunity to travel to beautiful St. Charles, IL for a Suzuki momfest. It was the first time Suzuki reached out to mom bloggers. They wanted us to get to know the brand, and I although I was only there about 30 hours, I most definitely feel like I know the brand better. I flew into Chicago at about 4 pm and joined some other bloggers on our trip to St. Charles. It took another 2 hours to get there which was a lot after already being in the airport all day and taking a 2 hour flight to St. Charles. St. Charles was on the top 10 list of places in the US to live as far as family friendly cities go, and I can definitely see why. That night we had a meet and greet dinner. There were 12 bloggers in total. We stayed at Hotel Baker which is this amazing hold hotel. I had a hot tub on my balcony and a beautiful historic looking room.
The next day, we learned more about Suzuki, test drove cars, went to Target for a fun scavenger hunt, attended the scarecrow days in St. Charles and had a fantastic lunch. It was fun to make new friends and learn more about the company.
View from my hotel room just after sunset

Beautiful St. Charles

The pretty red Suzuki Kizashi that my friend Jacque and I got to ride in all day. It was a standard and not everyone could drive a standard, so we were in this one. We ended up getting lost, and doing a little offroading, lol. It was a super nice little car. Honestly, I would consider Suzuki for our next commuter car. The warranties are awesome and they drive well.

Louise from MomStart, Me, Jacque from Blessings Abound Mommy