Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
4 Seasons

One reason that I love living in the area that I grew up in and where I am now is that we get to experience all 4 seasons. I tend to hear a lot of people complain about the snow and can't wait until it gets warm, but I love it. I honestly really like winter and don't wish it away. There's something about bundling up in warm clothing and catching a snowflake on your tongue or making a snow angel. I think the boys like it quite a bit too. And Rowan is much better at walking in snow clothes this year.

Monday, January 25, 2010
Don't Go Shopping in Sexy Boots.
I know I already have your attention from the title, but give me a bit to explain before you make assumptions. I got these fabulous black boots 3 years ago on clearance at the end of the season. Regularly $150, I scored them for $30. They are nice leather and generally pretty comfortable considering the heel is small and 3 1/2 inches. Marshall dubbed them the "sexy boots."
Yesterday I was meeting my mom, sister, and sister in law at the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate our birthdays. Avry's was the 24th, and Lia and I share a birthday on Feb 6th. What better way to celebrate than to go out to eat and shopping. I just reviewed a really cute pair of denim on my Babes and Kids blog and thought they would look cute with my boots. I think Marsh was a bit surprised to see me pull them on before I walked out the door. Generally I only wear them to church, just because I like to look cute, but most of the time, I'm all about comfort. Scrubs, sweat pants, or a pair of comfy jeans with a hoodie.
We had a wonderful time at Cheesecake Factory. We sampled all sorts of appetizers and then skipped the main entree because we were full. We had fun taking pictures in the mean time.

The cheesecake was glorious. Yes oh yes it was. My mom gave us all some money for our birthdays so after lunch we headed over to the mall to do a bit of shopping. We all got to ride in Avry's sweet new car :)

I was ok for about the first hour of shopping, then I started to feel it. My feet ached and it got progressively worse. I did say that they are quite comfortable, but I don't care who you are - when you walk distances in 3 1/2 inch heels, you are bound to start feeling it.
Then we passed Brookstone, and I saw this amazing massage chair with....a foot massager! Heaven! I was all about taking my boots off and got a nice 5 minute massage.

Then it was back on with the boots. We kept plugging along and lo and behold my feet started hurting again. After 2 1/2 hours at the mall my feet begged me to stop, but not without taking some pictures.
Yes, I do look enormous next to Avry and Lia. And yes, I am close to 6'1" with those heels on.
The last little bit walking to the car, I think I resembled someone who'd been riding a horse a bit too long. I had such a fun time with the girls that afternoon, but it is most definitely NOT worth it to wear sexy boots shopping.
Yesterday I was meeting my mom, sister, and sister in law at the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate our birthdays. Avry's was the 24th, and Lia and I share a birthday on Feb 6th. What better way to celebrate than to go out to eat and shopping. I just reviewed a really cute pair of denim on my Babes and Kids blog and thought they would look cute with my boots. I think Marsh was a bit surprised to see me pull them on before I walked out the door. Generally I only wear them to church, just because I like to look cute, but most of the time, I'm all about comfort. Scrubs, sweat pants, or a pair of comfy jeans with a hoodie.
We had a wonderful time at Cheesecake Factory. We sampled all sorts of appetizers and then skipped the main entree because we were full. We had fun taking pictures in the mean time.

The cheesecake was glorious. Yes oh yes it was. My mom gave us all some money for our birthdays so after lunch we headed over to the mall to do a bit of shopping. We all got to ride in Avry's sweet new car :)

I was ok for about the first hour of shopping, then I started to feel it. My feet ached and it got progressively worse. I did say that they are quite comfortable, but I don't care who you are - when you walk distances in 3 1/2 inch heels, you are bound to start feeling it.
Then we passed Brookstone, and I saw this amazing massage chair with....a foot massager! Heaven! I was all about taking my boots off and got a nice 5 minute massage.

Then it was back on with the boots. We kept plugging along and lo and behold my feet started hurting again. After 2 1/2 hours at the mall my feet begged me to stop, but not without taking some pictures.
Yes, I do look enormous next to Avry and Lia. And yes, I am close to 6'1" with those heels on.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Rowan's Party

Since Rowan's birthday was on Sunday, we did most of our "partying" on Saturday. We took the boys to Kangaroo Zoo, a indoor play place with tons and tons of blowup toys. They ran crazy for over 2 hours and had a blast.
I'm sure if I had attempted it would have taken me 5 hours and cost more in supplies than what I bought it for. I had Marsh go pick it up and I think somewhere in transit the icing got a little messed up. Rowan kept saying, "Choo choo!" He loved it. He got an aquadoodle playmat from us, he loves to draw and color right now so we figured it would be a hit. It was.
Then we came home to have cake and ice cream. Rowan has taken after his brother and has a deep love for Thomas, so alas he got an awesome Thomas cupcake cake, and no I didn't make it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010
He's Two
Today is my Row Row's birthday. I thought the first few years with Chan went fast. They've gone even faster with Rowan.
He's such an amazingly adorable little guy, does the cutest stuff and is my snuggle bug. (As long as he has some hair to pull.)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Happy Birthday Marshall (on the 7th)
Marsh turned 27 on the 7th. I started him out with breakfast in bed. I braved making crepes with fresh strawberries and blueberries and they turned out quite delicious.

He got a new basketball game for the Wii and we had chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake later that afternoon. Rowan was dying to blow out the candles and got some good practice as his birthday is later this week.

He got a new basketball game for the Wii and we had chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake later that afternoon. Rowan was dying to blow out the candles and got some good practice as his birthday is later this week.

I had to work that night so we had gone out to lunch the day before and had plans to go see Avatar on Saturday.
Saturday we ventured down to Avry's as she said she would watch the boys. We went to see Avatar in 3D and it was sold out. I was really disappointed because I hear it is so good. Instead we went to Old Navy and to Jamba to get smoothies.
Avry made a nice dinner with ribs, funeral potatoes and jello salad so that was fun. It's funny to think he's just a few years away from 30.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
My Name is Water Works
The last 8+ months I have been serving in the Young Women's at church as Personal Progress leader. We have a small Young Women's so we don't have class advisors - just the presidency and personal progress leader. It's really been a lot of work, more work than any other calling I've ever had, but it's sure been rewarding. Plus, the group of ladies I've worked with is more than amazing. I found out this last week that our presidency was getting released. I didn't realize how bittersweet it would be and I've really gotten attached to the girls that I work with. Today when we met, I bawled so much as I looked at each of the girls and women I work with and realized that we weren't going to be working together anymore. I'm blessed to have such wonderful associations, and have gained a new love for the Young Women's program. I also abruptly realized that I'm not a big fan of change. I've never felt so attached to a calling and so sad to leave it.
I guess where one door closes, one opens because I got called to be in the Primary Presidency today as well. (secretary) It will be a big change from working with Young Women to working with the kids in the ward. When I was getting set apart for my new calling, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming love from and for my Savior. Thus the tears kept coming and coming and yes - they are still coming. I don't often express my love for the church or my testimony just because it's very special to me and I like to keep a light feel on the blog, however I have so much crazy emotion today that I had to get it out. I feel blessed and am excited to be able to work with such pure sweet spirits. Today was one of those days that confirmed my belief in the church and made me that much closer to my Heavenly Father. Change is ok and I am feeling really thankful today. You can call me water works for the time being, at least until I become dehydrated and can't cry anymore.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Whew! *Sigh*
Do you ever look back on a week and wonder how you made it through and then just feel EXTREMELY thankful for the weekend ahead?
Since Monday I have:
- Taught 4 hours of preschool
- Spent 3 hours in the daycare doing my Legacy Center Trade
- 2 hours at a YW church activity
- Worked 35 hours
- Commuted 4 hours
- Tried to celebrate Marsh's birthday on Thursday (pictures to come)
I am glad it is the weekend. I'm looking forward to really celebrating Marsh's birthday with him, and taking time to kick back and cuddle those cute boys of mine.
All in all, this is how I feel at the end of the week. Can you see me bleating like a goat? ;) I do a mean impression with my beard and all.
Now it's time to hit the hay, no pun intended....I just worked my 3rd night, it's 5:30 am and I am tired!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
This year we headed up to Idaho for almost a week. Monday, I had to do my trade at the Legacy Center in the daycare. About halfway through, the boys started feeling sick and had diarrhea, so I took them home. Chan started puking when we got home, so I disinfected over and over because I didn't want to get it. We were supposed to head up early afternoon but I wanted to wait until the boys were feeling better. Later that afternoon, it seemed like everything was ok so we headed up.
We stayed with my parents that night. Tuesday night we went over to Marshall's parent's house for dinner and games. I started feeling uneasy and just horrible. We went back to stay at my parent's and all heck broke loose. I spent most of the night on the toilet with a bucket in hand. Marshall followed the next day. That was just the start of being sick and it seemed almost everyone got it, except my dad, sister in law and a few nieces. My sister's kids got it, my brother and his new wife, my mom, and so on. Yuck. I think the end count was 16, and I'm surprised I'm not kicked out of the family yet. ;)
Besides being sick, we still managed to eat an obscene amount of food, spend time with my family as well as Marshall's, tried to sled outside on what tiny bit of snow there was, and just enjoyed each other's company. We jumped back and forth from my parent's house to Marshall's parent's house. I realized I didn't get a lot of pictures of present opening at Marshall's parents, but everyone was opening at once so it was over quick!
We stayed with my parents that night. Tuesday night we went over to Marshall's parent's house for dinner and games. I started feeling uneasy and just horrible. We went back to stay at my parent's and all heck broke loose. I spent most of the night on the toilet with a bucket in hand. Marshall followed the next day. That was just the start of being sick and it seemed almost everyone got it, except my dad, sister in law and a few nieces. My sister's kids got it, my brother and his new wife, my mom, and so on. Yuck. I think the end count was 16, and I'm surprised I'm not kicked out of the family yet. ;)
Besides being sick, we still managed to eat an obscene amount of food, spend time with my family as well as Marshall's, tried to sled outside on what tiny bit of snow there was, and just enjoyed each other's company. We jumped back and forth from my parent's house to Marshall's parent's house. I realized I didn't get a lot of pictures of present opening at Marshall's parents, but everyone was opening at once so it was over quick!
We didn't spend a lot on Christmas this year due to the fact that we've barely been scraping by. All in all I think we spent around $40, but still managed to do quite a bit thanks to my review site and various Visa and Walmart gift cards I had won over the last few months. Huge Blessing. The boys were so fun to watch and were both so excited about everything they got. Now it's time for a massive amount of pictures! :)

On Wednesday, we went with my mom and nieces to see Planet 51. It was cute and the boys were really good. Afterwards we went to see Santa at the mall. Chandler was thrilled, Rowan wouldn't go anywhere near him.

The snowmobiles were out, but there wasn't enough snow, so Marshall pulled the kids on a sled with my parent's Razr.

Christmas Eve Food

Rowan is like a chipmunk and stores food. He walked around with this orange in his mouth for a long time. He also stored fudge, candy and other treats in his cheek for long periods of time. Funny kid.

Rowan & Uncle Jason

If you have ever held Rowan, you know he has a serious hair fetish. It doesn't matter how long or short, he has to play with it. This started at about 6 months and he's been doing it ever since. My dad is the victim in this picture.

Santa Presents - Rowan got a Vtech Learn and ride Giraffe and Chandler got a new Thomas the Train set

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