After the trunk or treat we went to get dinner. So many of you thought that it was a cute idea that Marshall was a burrito for Halloween at work. Here's the real reason we dressed him up as a burrito - free burrito at Chipotle on Halloween if you are wearing tinfoil. So after the trunk or treat Marshall dressed back up while Chandler and I had foil wrapped around us as well. Worked like a charm - free dinner. Thanks Chipotle!
Bean Faced Rowan

Oooh, I'll have to try that sometime. We eat at Chipotle all the time and I'll do anything for a free meal there. YuM! You know what I miss though (besides Millhollow), is Bajios in Rexburg. Oh yum.
Ah, the real reason. Great thinking my frugal sister! His hat was pretty good!
Bwahaha! The whole burrito thing cracked me up! You guys look great all dressed up!
MAN, we were going to do the chipotle thing and forgot. Darn it. You guys look AWESOME though! And great normal Halloween costumes too. ;-)
that is so funny!!
You guys look awsome!
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