So as I mentioned in a post last week, my Grandma Nielson was not doing well. She passed away on Saturday May 24, 2008 at around 12:20 pm. I had been at the assisted living where she was on and off last week and was sad I wasn't there when she passed. I had worked Friday night and came home Saturday morning to sleep. I guess my mom came home around 11:30 and thought about waking me up to come help dress Grandma in some cooler clothes as they were going to give her a bath. She decided not to wake me up and by the time I did wake up at around 1:30 my sister Avry called me to let me know what had happened. I later realized my mom had tried calling earlier and I also had voice mail from my brother Jason.
It was a bittersweet moment walking in after grandma had died. I realized how she was free from a body that was failing her and I'm sure was welcomed by my grandfather and other loved ones. However, it's hard on this side to see her go. She has definitely left a legacy here on earth.

Jason, Grandma, Charlise
My mom found a letter the other day that my grandma had written at her 50th anniversary for my grandpa - it was a small life story and it was interesting for me to read as I did not know some of the things about her life.
Here are some interesting facts or things that I remember about grandma.
* She was always very active in the church and in this letter wrote down every church calling she ever had. It makes me realize how much her faith played in her life.
* She had 6 children, but lost 3 at birth. Her oldest, Edgar was born 2 months premature and only lived 7 hours. Dolores was born next 2 1/2 months premature. The next was a baby boy who only lived a few minutes and they did not name him. She went on to have 3 more children, Tamara, Scott (my dad), & Nick. I can't imagine losing 3 babies at birth, she really was a strong woman.
* She always had hard doublemint gum in her purse and offered it as a treat.
* I remember seeing grandma at the grocery store in high school while on lunch break. She was buying groceries and ripped open a bag of chocolate chips for my friends & me. Kind of a funny memory, not sure why it sticks out so much in my mind.
* She was an amazing seamstress and made my baptism dress as well as other dresses, jumpsuits, clothing, and stuffed animals. I remember well the care bear & fluffy dog she made for me. She was also great when it came to crocheting and I have a beautiful afghan she made me as well as a doll with a nice crocheted dress.
* She had a beautiful voice and loved to sing to all of the grandchildren. There was a time after grandpa passed that I would come sit with her at my parents house about 3 days out of the week. She loved to hold Chandler and would sing songs like, "Bushel & a peck" & "Be happy"

Grandma with Chandler April 2006
* She would always have frozen chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream for us to eat when we came to visit.
* Grandma was an excellent cook and always made cream peas and potatoes for family gatherings. (Which happens to be my favorite food)
* She was only 17 when she got married and eloped with my grandpa who was 24 at the time.
I'm thankful to my grandma and for the role she has played in my life. She has really taught me a lot in these last few years of her life and it's amazing to look at all of my extended family and see how great her posterity is. I really love her and look up to the person she was and the life she led. Her funeral is going to be held on Thursday. Here is a link to her obituary.
That's sad about your Grandma, but at the same time, so wonderful for her to be with her spouse and those three children she lost. Hope everything else is going well with you.
I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma, she sounded amazing. It's incredible to think that now she gets to be with her sweet husband again (and her children). The gospel really does shed such a positive light and hope on a loved one's death, but it is still hard to wait to see them again. I hope you and your family are doing well and that the service is beautiful on Thursday.
That was a really sweet tribute to your grandma. I am lucky to still have my grandmothers as well as a great grandmother. It makes me want to seize every opportunity. It is funny the memories that we have of loved ones... :)
Thanks for the link to Grandma's obituary Tiff. It was fun to read your memories. I loved the one about the chocolate chips. I hadn't heard that one before.
Beautiful tribute to Grandma Tiff. Can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Sorry about your grandma. When I lost my Grandma Carson it was really hard on me...not because I didn't know where she went, but just because I knew I would miss her. Sounds like you had an amazing Grandma!
I hope you are doing well Tiff, that is the hardest thing ever! My Grandma passed away about a year 1/2 ago and seriously it was the hardest thing. It will hurt so much at first but like you said, the best is knowing where she is now and who she is with. Also, she reminds me of my Grandma.....mine always had hard doublemint gum too!
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