We did our Easter bunny celebrating on Saturday. This is how it was growing up for me. Easter baskets and hunts on Saturday, focus on Christ on Sunday. It's a tradition I really loved, so we've decided to do it with our boys. The night before we colored Easter eggs. We had about 4 egg fatalities and even more after they were colored. We had a monster kit and the boys thought it was so much fun!

Here's everything that the Easter Bunny brought.

I just have to add that I love this little pajama set. Rowan looks adorable in it.

We woke the boys up at 8:00 since we had an Easter egg hunt at 9:00. Chandler is NOT a morning person, much like his mama.

We had a neighborhood Easter Egg hunt, it turned out really fun!

I had bought tickets to go to the Easter Eggstravaganza at Thanksgiving Point. I will never do it again. We headed there after we were done with our neighborhood egg hunt. There were so many people, and it seems like you paid to get in just to pay for more stuff. There were tons of vendors and it seemed more like a trade show. They had egg hunts every half hour that didn't seem super organized. We lost Rowan right before the egg hunt and there were massive amounts of people everywhere. I stayed with Chandler, trying not to break down and start crying while Marshall went to look for Rowan. He looked around for a few minutes, said a quick prayer and had an impression that Rowan was over by the blowup toys. He was there. Thankful for the power of prayer! So they basically threw out the eggs and the kids had a free for all for about 30 seconds.

So SO many kids. I stayed in one spot and told Chan to come find me. So you don't have to play Where's Waldo, I've pointed him out below. The eggs were filled with cheap stickers and the kind of candy no one ever eats because it's gross. I guess you live and learn, right?

We let the boys play on the blowup toys for about a half hour and left after that. We went to Chick-fil-a and got lunch and then went home. Overall, we had a great Easter and were glad to be able to spend it as a family.
That looks insane! I love how cute they look with their hair slicked to the side.
I hate community egg hunts. The kids get crap! I agree neighborhood ones are the best
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