I tried a new recipe out tonight thanks to the Kraft website. It was creamy chicken, tomato, & bacon pasta. It turned out super yummy. Mine wasn't quite as pretty as the one below but still tasted fabulous, and it was pretty easy. Here's the
recipe. I'm thinking I might add some mushrooms and fresh tomatoes to it next time. YUM!

What was for dinner at your house tonight?
We had whole wheat spaghetti and garden veggie sauce. We also had baby spinach salad with cucumbers and mandarin oranges and green onions.
That's so funny 'cause right before I saw your comment I was reading about using Carnation Instant Breakfast instead 'cause it was the same nutrition but cheaper. Thanks!
Oooh that looks good! I am always up for a new recipe!
Dinner at my house was "fend for yourself" I went on strike & didn't make dinner. So Maeli had corn dogs, Kade had ramen, I ate doritoes, Justin had string cheese & cake.... Sav & Sam slept through the whole thing.
I gave the kids leftovers and I had cold cereal after everyone went to bed. Full-time nights is awesome that way. :)
This looks yummy, and I have some bacon that I've been wondering how to use! Thanks!
Hmmm. let's see. I had a yummy salad with feta cheese (glad to be able to eat that again!), dried cranberries, candied walnuts, and raspberry vinagrette dressing. Steve had leftover pot roast that he stir fried with some brown rice and eggs, then put plum sauce on the whole thing. Belle had a bowl of multi-grain cheerios. Sophie had a bottle of formula. :)
It's funny you posted that, I've been trying some new recipes this week too! Tonight I'm going to try my hand at sushi - well california rolls.
We won't know what's for dinner until about 8:30....
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