We had Chandler's birthday party at Grandma & Grandpa Nielson's house. We ate pizza and I made his ugly cake. I took pictures of it but I didn't want to post pics of that, you can see it from the side in some of the pics. Chan's really into Elmo and so I did some Elmo figurines on the top of it. The writing looked like a 4 year old had done it. LOL - oh well, guess I saved some $$ by making it myself. Chan got some fun new stuff including a bunch of plastic animals & a dinosuar book from Snedakers, an outfit & color wonder from grandma & grandpa Nielson, a baseball & bat toy from Chris & Natalie, and a little people's dinosaur set & playdough from Marshall & I. Although Chan was getting over pink eye and was getting a cold, he was a pretty good sport. It was hilarious to watch him blow out his candles. He would blow them out and then grin and clap for himself. He blew them out 5 or 6 times :)

Blowing out candles for the 5th time :)

Getting a birthday kiss from cousin Claire
What a cute smile he has on his face! You can definately tell he is enjoying every minute of it!
That commercial makes me giggle! :o) "Mr. Turkeyneck"!
Happy Birthday little man. He's so cute!
I can't believe he is 2 already! Wow! You guys have one handsome little boy! Oh and congrats on your pregnancy!
the cake looks good Tiff. at least from seeing it upside down. LOL
I'm glad he had so much fun.
hmm.. i'll have to take one of his chrismas presents back.. lol. since he got that for his b-day. hehe
He sure has gotten big! Where has the time gone?
Hey you. I can email you how I did the blog if you email me your address. Mine is stephaniefantasia@gmail.com. :o)
Happy birthday Chandler! He is SO cute Tif!
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