Minnetonka Cave is a fascinating 9-room cave of stalactites, stalagmites and banded travertine that was originally found by grouse hunters.Enjoy a guided 90-minute, half-mile walk into this beautiful cave. Be prepared for the 400 steps up and down in the cave and bring a jacket, since the cave is cool at about 40 degrees year round.
Since they only start tours on the hour, we had to wait for the next tour. The kids stayed busy trying to feed the chipmunks. I didn't actually get any of them in the pictures, but they would come right up to the kids and eat out of their hands. The first time that one took a cracker from Chandler, you would have thought he won the lottery, it was so cute.

Chandler with Uncle Jason in front of the cave

This is my niece Bianca. She is so so funny. I told her to smile, and she crosses her eyes, sticks out her hands, and starts making monster noises.

These are the steps you see when you first walk into the cave. It was definitely chilly at 40 degrees, and there were a TON of stairs. 444 in and 444 out to be exact.

One of the stalagmites. It's funny how they look like people and things. They all had names.

Overall, it was a really great experience. Marsh and I had to carry Rowan during portions, but the boys did great. It was a very cool cave, I would recommend it to anyone visiting the Bear Lake area.
I am intrigued! I would love to go there. I love the picture of the stairs, great shot. :)
That looks really cool! I've been to Bear Lake almost every summer for as long as I can remember and have never gone here! I want to check it out. We're headed up there Saturday so I'm hoping we can fit it in!
Your pictures turned out really well and look exactly like how it was!
Bia kills me. That is a pretty funny picture.
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