I can't believe I actually ran a half marathon! It might sound dumb, but it made me feel empowered. We started out Friday night with a pasta party at Clint's place. Then I went down to Orem and stayed in my parent's hotel room with them. They were busing us out super early, so it seemed like a good idea. We went to bed just after 10 and I tossed and turned and really didn't sleep much. We got up at 3 am and were out the door by 3:30. My mom, Avry, Jason and I caught a bus to the half marathon point. Since my brother Clint was doing the full marathon, he rode a different bus. It was pretty chilly when we got there, and stood around for an hour trying to get close to a fire pit. Once it was time to go, I was so excited. I felt like I needed to use a bathroom around mile 3, but wondered if it was just nerves. There was a portapotty (sp?) every few miles and there were always 5+ people lined up. I paced myself and it didn't seem bad at all. It rained lightly for about 30 minutes and the weather was very cool. I started to hurt a little bit around mile 9-10 but worked through it. I finished in about 2 hours and 23 minutes and I must say I'm super proud. When I started training, I wanted to be able to run a 12 minute mile. I ended up running a 10:51 average. It was amazing to be able to run it with family and I'm amazed at my 60 year old mom who ran it in under 3 hours! WOOT! We didn't get any pictures of the whole group which stinks. I think most of us were exhausted and not feeling well. I went home to soak in the tub and take a nap!
Me with brother Clint & Mom

So on to bigger and better things. I might be getting crazier because I am running a full marathon in September!
Sounds like it was a great experience for you! Good luck in training for the full marathon.
Way to go!! That's totally awesome that you accomplished that. You're doing a full marathon in September!!! Look at you go! Totally amazing to me. Running is very difficult for me to do.
you amaze me, I seriously almost started crying watching your video. I am a dork. Running is so hard for me, and knowing that you didn't like it at first is inspiring! Great job girl! Can't wait to read about you training for your marathon!
WTG, Tiffany! I'm very impressed =) I'd have died at the first portapotty, LOL
Good job! Good luck with the further training!
That is so awesome! Way to go!
Tiff- again, great job! I have loved reading and catching up with your training as I do mine- wish I would have run this one with you. It's addicting though, right? I am also thinking about doing a full- WTH?
Wow! That is so cool! Congrats.
Yay way to go! Good luck on all your races to come!
Tiffany that's wonderful!!! I am so proud of you!
I wish we would have gotten more pictures off all of us! :( oh well my stomach wasn't allowing it. It was a neat experience. LOVE YOU SIS!!
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