The last few months I've been looking for a part time job. With the way the economy has been Marsh and I have just been feeling like we really need to build our savings, food storage, and pay off our student loans as soon as we can. I started looking in December and have applied countless places. I've had a few interviews and finally got a offered a job as a Health Unit Coordinator in the ER at the LDS hospital in Salt Lake. Luckily it's going to work out perfectly as it's only 2 nights a week and I'll be off by 4 am. Enough time to get home and get 2 hours of sleep before the boys wake up. Plus it means no daycare since Marsh will be home with the boys. That was definitely an issue for me. I wasn't willing to give up my days with my boys. It will be about a 45 minute commute, but the pay is good enough that it's worth it. I started the hospital orientation today and start my actual job orientation on Friday night. I'm excited but a little apprehensive. Coming from working in the Mom Baby Unit in Rexburg to an ER in Salt Lake will be a little bit of a change....ok maybe a lot. Bring it on.
Sounds like a great opportunity for you! Good luck!!
At least you won't have to order many org..., I mean rhogams! We miss you!
Wow! I hope it works out well for ya! That'll be nice not to have to leave your boys at a day care. Good luck!
You will do great!
I have missed you blogging & check regularly. What nights will you be working? Friday night sounds good b/c then Marsh could get up with the boys on Saturday mornings while you still sleep!
Welcome to the world of commuting! At least you are doing it during off hours so there won't be much traffic at 4 a.m. :)
Good luck! I hope everything works out. That's great that Marshall can watch the kids, but that stinks you'll get such little sleep on those nights!
You'll do great! It sounds like a fun job. I hear they have quite the crazies walk in through those ER doors. Have fun! Miss you.
Congratulations Tiff! That sounds like a great job! I'm glad it works out so you won't have to put the kids in daycare!
I'm really scared of job hunting for when we go back to utah!
Wow! Congrats. :o) That sounds so exciting.
Congrats!!! Sound like a great job and opportunity for you.
So does that mean on those 2 nights you would only get 2 hours of sleep?
haha, dang, Emily stole my quote! Good luck, but you know you won't have as much fun as you did with all of us! =)
Congratulations. WOW! New People! New Experiences! New Friends! I am thinking of the stories you will tell. Enjoy the experience
Emily, Amber....shhhhh, it's a secret ;)
Congrats on the new job Tiff! I always thought it was peaceful to work at night, but then again, you will be working in the ER.
WOW! That's going to be a busy ER, I bet. It'll be good experience though, and I'm glad it will work out for your sweet little family!
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