It was raining really hard while she was driving down, and the temperature hit freezing. She was talking to my dad when she started sliding. It sounds like she spun around a few times and rolled the car at least twice. I'm sure it was extremely scary to my dad to wonder what was going on. She luckily was ok and called 911. I'm sure her seat belt saved her life, not to mention that she was in a big SUV.
From what she says, it sounds like she could see car accidents in front and behind her. All of the windows in the back were smashed in and most of our stuff went flying out of the Yukon. Avry came to get my mom and they gathered everything together that they could since it was dark and pouring. I'm sure there's still some mushy missionary letters floating around on the highway from me to Marsh.

It's things like this that make you step back and really realize what is important in your life. It sounds like my mom was very lucky that she was ok, and she's been very shaken up about the whole thing. The pics are from my mom's Blackberry but both Avry and my mom said that the pictures don't do it justice.

It's things like this that make you step back and really realize what is important in your life. It sounds like my mom was very lucky that she was ok, and she's been very shaken up about the whole thing. The pics are from my mom's Blackberry but both Avry and my mom said that the pictures don't do it justice.
Needless to say my mom didn't stay the whole weekend although we all met up (My mom & dad, Avry & Justin,& Jason) for dinner at Red Lobster, or "Red Monster" as Chandler calls it.
I'm hoping that both mom and Avry will do posts as well as they had different perspectives as well as some other pictures.
I'm so glad you are ok mom! You are an amazing woman I am thankful for you and what you mean to me in my life. LOVE YOU!
So thankful that your mom was okay. That is SO scary!!
Yes, she is fortunate. Joe, Mr. Police Officer told me that the majority of car roll overs are in SUV's. It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. I imagined the roof smashed in, or the sides severely smashed in - or something. She is lucky that no one else was involved. It sounds like she was shook up when I talked to her. And luckily, they have 3 more vehicles at home to fall on. LOL
I'm glad you're mom's ok! That sounds like it was SO scary.
What was your Dad thinking being on the phone with your mom while she was in her accident? I would be hyperventilating. That is so scary. I am glad that everything is okay.
Jer the pictures don't do it justice. It looked worse in person. Funny I heard that the majority of roll over's are in smaller cars.
We had fun at the "Red Monster" the boys were really cute & it was a blast taking all those goofy pictures. I am still imagining unicorns. :)
Did you take before & after pics of your living room?
How scary! I'm so glad she's okay. And for the record, I've been on the phone with Jeremy when he was in a wreck and it caused me to TOTALLY freak out.
I'm so glad she's okay! That's always such a scary thing. Good thing she had her seat belt on!
The higher the center of gravity, the more easily a vehicle can be rolled. Most SUVs have a higher center of gravity than most cars. That's why more of them are involved in rollovers. A low to the ground, wide wheel-base, heavier car would be harder to flip.
Glad your mom is ok!! Scary!! Thanks for visiting our blog!
Oh My Heck! I'm so sorry! That is so scary. Wow, what a blessing!!
Jason speaks the truth. The newest Army vehicle is designed to sit higher of the ground the minimize the damage from IEDs, but they are frequently rolled...
I'm glad that Mom is okay. I talked to her on the phone as soon as I found out and she sounded pretty shook up.
WOW. Your poor mother. I am so glad she is okay. Definitely gives you a different outlook on life after something like this.
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