So we are trying to get into the swing of things having 2 kids now. I'm starting to feel better and move around more but I still can't push it too much or else I'm hurting a lot at the end of the day and when I sleep. I'm also trying to spread out my pain meds and only take them when I realllly need them as my percocet is just about gone. :(
Monday & Tuesday Marshall was home from school & classes. Wednesday, Jana, my MIL came up for the morning & afternoon to help out. Thursday Monica & Tara came over with Ethan & Morgan. Chandler was so happy to see and play with other kids even though he was quite the bully. Hopefully they will want to play with him again. It was nice to have friends come visit & they even cleaned my kitchen. Thanks girls!
Today Natalie (my SIL) came up from Idaho Falls with her little girl Claire. We had a good visit - it's nice to have a sister in law that I get along so great with and have so much in common with. She is expecting a baby in June & found out today she is having a little boy. Congrats Chris & Natalie!
My mom has been in and out, running errands and getting things for us. I know

So I think the tv has been my best friend these last few days when I don't have company here. Well, Chandler's best friend anyway. I think we've watched just about every movie he has and then some. I feel bad that I can't pick him up and hold him but I was told not to for a few weeks. I'd hate to pop stitches out picking up a 30 lb toddler.
Here is my version of cooking the last day or two....french fries. I didn't even make Chandler get up into his chair, just plopped this big plate with fries & ketchup on
Marshall is an usher at the Rexburg temple tonight for the open house. He signed up for a shift from 4-9, then texted me later that he won't be home until 11. I'm sure that he's having a great experience as an usher, I wish I could have helped out with the openhouse.
So as Chandler finished up his ice cream there was a knock on the door. Dinner from someone in the ward......guess I didn't need to go to all the effort of making him french fries, lol.
I can't believe how well you are doing, and way to go on the taking it easy! I'm so proud of you! Rowan looks like such a sweet baby, I can't wait to come see (and hold!) him next month! Keep up the good work!
Tiff-Seriously, if Chandler needs something to do call me. Carson has been asking me all week when we could go down and see Chandler. Rowan looks like he is getting big...we'll have to make the long trek down the stairs to come visit sometime :). I know you had a lot of visitors this week with family and friends, maybe we'll come next week when things slow down. Call if you need anything. I'm usually home all day...trying to entertain my toddler!
Sara - it'd be nice to have you come down a couple times this coming week. I still don't feel up to going a lot of places, ESPECIALLY with 2 kids. We've only been out once in the last week and that was to take Rowan to the ped. I think Chandler's going a little stir crazy.
It was fun to be able to come see your cute little family and help out. I can only imagine how I would feel with a toddler, a newborn, and a billion stitches. So, any time you need your kitchen cleaned, call me! :) Rowan is so adorable and has changed a lot, but he's just getting cuter! Hope you're still feeling good. Hope to see you soon!
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