Rowan Niels Snedaker was born on 1/17/08 at 8:03 am at Madison Memorial Hospital via c-section. He was 8 lbs 14 oz & was 20 1/2 inches long. Head and chest were both 14". After much comparing, we've decided that he looks a lot like Chandler with a few differences. He is a great baby but honestly wants to eat all of the time. He nurses for 40-45 minutes and will drink 1/2 oz of formula on top of that. Big boys need lots of food I guess, lol. I will write up a longer birth story when we get home from the hospital - we'll prbably be here until Sunday morning. He's a beautiful baby and we feel so blessed. Chandler loves his brother & loves to give him kisses. I'm pretty doped up on percocet, tylenol w/codeine & motrin so it'd be better if I write more when I'm more coherent! I've had amazing care & nurses and am so grateful to everyone who's come to visit!
Chandler loves being a big brother!
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Congratulations!! You guys make beautiful babies! Rowan is absolutely adorable and I am sure is already an amazing addition to your family!
We are so happy for you! He is such a cutie--you are so blessed.
YAY!! I have been checking relentlessly in hopes that you would post from the hospital (I just cannot wait for such things). He is ADORABLE.
I must admit, you are hilarious doped up on Percocet. You definitely made my night. I was SO angry that I got put on call tonight. I kept saying, "But I promised Tiffany! You can't put me on call!" Needless to say, I am on call and hopefully you got the rest that I promised you. Good thing I got your goody bag last night, huh? Anyway, hope to see you soon. Remember-I would be happy to give you "Chandler and Mom time" any time you need. Rowan loves me already, so I can't wait for you to call! Congratulations!
I can vouch for Tara, Rowan just loves her!!! He would be screaming, but as soon as Tara picked him up he would fall right asleep. Of course this could just mean that he loves to be held! :) Congratulations, he's adorable!
AHHHH.. He is adorable!
I'm glad everything went well.
Now the real fun begings. hehe
He looks a bit like Marshall to me, but he is still to little to tell who's going to look like. Chandler and Marshall look so proud!
He looks like he has his dads strongness and his moms good looks. Hopefully he'll get Chandlers "sparkling personality."
Congrats! that is so precious to see acceptance already from "big brother"! Hope you recover smoothly! Very cute!
Cangratulations! he is a beautiful baby and has got a good set of lungs on him. I hope you are feeling well and recover quickly.
So happy to see a picture of him, although it will be fun to see him with his eyes open and see him in the flesh in a few weeks! Thanks for posting the pictures
Congrats congrats congrats! I think he looks like Chandler too. Does he have darker hair though? Are you home yet?
Thanks for posting pictures, I have been dying to see him, and he is even cuter than I imagined. I am so happy for you Tiff, what a darling little family you have. If you ever need to chat with someone who understand the perils (and joys, of course) of raising two boys, feel free to give me a call.
Welcome to the world, Rowan!
once again, congrats. you really look so great and have that great mommy glow:) good luck with getting things in order and just loving that cute little boy!.
He is so precious! I am glad everything went well Tiff! Remember Maeli will be up the next few weeks so she can come over & help out playing with Chandler & what not. We can't wait to see him in a few weeks!
Tiffany, He is beautiful! Congratulations! Chandler is so cute with him.
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