Specialist Clint Nielson

So I noticed a nice tribute to Clint (my brother) on my sister's (Jeralee) blog. I thought I would do the same as I am extremely proud of Clint and what he has accomplished. Lia posted Sunday on her blog that Clint was leaving for his deployment to Iraq for 15 months. Clint & his family have been stationed in Germany the last 15+ months. Lia and the kids will stay in Germany. It's amazing how much more respect you have for the armed forces when you have a family member out there fighting for our country. I, like Jeralee, am scared for what he will see and do there, and our prayers and thoughts are with him. Clint, we are so proud of you & love you SO MUCH!
Lia - I know it takes a strong wife to do what you are doing and being so supportive of Clint.

The Nielsons: Clint, Aurelia, Nadia (4) & Bianca (11 months)
Thank you Tiffany!
Very nice Tiff!
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