Saturday, December 3, 2011


I can't believe we've made it 6 years with Chan without any stitches/staples. He did tear his top frenulum when he was about 2, but other than that, no big mishaps. I was at clinic yesterday and Marshall texted me saying he was going to pick up Chan early because his babysitter thought he needed stitches. I guess he fell down the stairs at the babysitter's house and hit his head on a bookshelf. The girl who watches him also lives in a townhome much like ours, so I knew he had fallen down a full flight of stairs. Naturally, I really wanted to be there, but I was stuck at clinic. Because I was so worried, Marshall gave me a play by play via text on my phone while taking him to the Dr. . I wasn't too worried after seeing him chill in the Dr.'s office with a sucker and a kid's magazine.

2 staples later, he was fixed up and ready to go home. :)


LIFE IS GOOD! said...

Glad it wasn't worse. He seem to have done really good

Janaca said...

Eeeww, yuck!!! Poor boy. He seems so chill about it all! I would've been flipping out. He's one tough cookie!

Snedakers said...

Ouch poor kid!

Danielle Bullock said...

Ouch! That could have been alot worse. Glad he did okay with it.

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