Friday night, Marshall and I met up with my brother Jason. We went out to dinner and then headed up to Brigham City where we were going to stay the night. Marshall and I were actually staying at a different motel than Jason, but we got there, and come to find out, I had booked the room with some corporate coupon code. It was just a coupon code online?! Originally, we were paying $60 for our room, and when we got there they wanted to charge us $120. Jason was able to get his room changed to two queen beds, so we just went and stayed with him, which I was super grateful for. By the time we got settled, it was close to 11. We had to be up at 3:30 so we could leave by 4, so obviously we weren't going to get a lot of sleep. I invested in some melatonin and it actually helped me sleep. After 4 hours of sleep, we were up and on our way. I learned the hard way from my half marathon not to drink anything until I get running. The marathon started at 7 am, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement.
When I hit the halfway point, I was right around 2 hours and 20 minutes, so I was excited to be on track to finish in under 5 hours. I couldn't believe how great I felt at half way, and even at mile 15-16. Once I hit 18, I started to drag a bit, 19 was harder, and by mile 21, I had to stop and walk. I spent the last 5 miles doing a walk/run combo. It ended up taking me about 5 hours and 12 minutes to finish, which is about an 11:50 minute mile. Overall, I feel pretty proud of this, and the accomplishment that I finished. I've never had my legs hurt as badly as they have the last few days though. Running that far is REALLY hard on your body, but was definitely a cool experience! (PS, you can set the video below to hd.)
Great job! That's a faster pace than I can do, I'm always proud if I stay under 13-minute miles. A marathon is an awesome accomplishment, congrats!
That is a huge accomplishment Tiff! Great job. You are seriously an inspiration. Hope I can do that too someday!
Incredible! To run that far is such a huge accomplishment and you are amazing for doing it!
Yea! I'm glad everything went well. Way to go Tif!!
It's so awesome you were able to do this!! Way to go!!! I'm glad it was a good experience. You definitely earned some bragging rights!! :)
I haven't seen this video yet! AWESOME! Let's use up some of these bragging rights: I just want to say that I'm married to a champion. I literally try to keep up with her. She's trained for the last 6 months to run this insane marathon. This is all amidst working graveyard shifts to pay the bills, continuing her 4yr degree into another 2 yr radiology program, running an incredibly successful blog w/ around 20k visitors per month, traveling around the country for companies that want her influence, landing nearly every sweet deal out there to save us money, serving as a secretary in primary, managing most of the work around the house; all while being the phenomenal mother and wife to our family. A true champion and I'm sure the best accomplishments are yet to come. There I'm done bragging. *
YES! What Marshall said.
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