Anyways, we had tons of good food, great company and a grand old time.
The treat table - treat bags for the kids, carmeled apples, sugar cookies

I think this pumpkin was a little too big for Rowan.

Jason's Happy Birthday sparkler cake. (I think Avry said it was made with 12 milky ways...mmmm)

Checking out a prize from his treat bag

My dad took Chandler to get a Halloween costume that night and it was pretty funny what he picked out. You'll have to wait to see that.
And I got a new.......DEEP FREEZE! (Thanks to my mom and dad ) I get so frustrated when there's a great deal on meat or some other frozen item and I can't stock up because we have no room to store it. Then we end up paying more for the meat because it's not on sale. This is something I wish I would have had a year ago. Marsh lost his job a few weeks ago and we have been living off what food storage we have. I'm sure this will be so nice to have.
Fun party! All the decor and treats look so cute, yummy, and festive! Glad it was a success. I can't wait to see what Chandler is for Halloween, and that's great you have a deep freeze! I was just telling Jas on Sunday I want one to stock up.
that totally stinks about marshall loosing his job. we recently went through the exact same thing, and it stinks.. big time.
this too shall pass. i know it doesn't seem like it, but it will. if you ever need anything. someone to chat with or whatever... let me know.
i've also got some great tips on saving on bills, or getting them cut all together while your out of work. there is a great program to get your house payment cut too..
We had a great time Tiff! I can't believe you posted that stupid picture of Justin and I ;)
Can't wait to get together again!
What a fun party! Love the pic of Rowan with the pumpkin...super cute! Sorry to hear Marshall lost his job...hang in there!
Looks like fun. We're having a Halloween party on friday, what kind of food did you make? That deep freeze must be SO nice!
All that food looks so yummy! Glad you got a deep freeze, it sure will come in handy.
I love my deep freezer, the best investment EVER! Good luck Marshall on the job hunt, you guys can always move back here and work at INL and we would love to have you back at Madison ;)!
Wow, a deep freeze would be so awesome! Sorry to hear about Marshall - we know what that feels like. Which reminds me, did you ever decide if you wanted to go back to school?
Looks like a way fun party. your decorations are super cute. So sorry to hear about marshall losing his job. We have recently joined the find a job boat and have been living off of food storage for a week. Too bad Ty hates chili adn spaghetti, poor guy. good luck and hope all goes well.
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